What are your four ‘must-have’ pedals? That is what we ask our guests to share with you in our Four On the Floor podcast segment. Dave Gill makes pedals that make big noise but his choices really suprised us. If you are not familiar with Baltimore Sonic Resarch Institute do yourself a favor and check them out. He gave us a fantastic interview too! You can hear the episode for yourself right here. Check out these choices for his Four On The Floor.
1. Hexe Guitar Electronics – Revolver Micro Sampler

“These are like micro loopers or basically sample manipulation pedals. And they do the shorter side of making loops, but there’s a lot of ways you can manipulate them, either making a really, really glitchy CD skipping sounds or loops that every time they repeat, they sort of pitched down. But because they’re so short, it just sounds like a cascading kind of thing. They have a bunch of different models. He’s been making them for probably 10 years. So there’s at least like four or five different ones have come out. I think the ones that he currently makes go up to like maybe five seconds on one. And then I think he makes a crazy expensive one that does like two minutes of recording, but the way I use mine is to do really glitchy CD skipping, stuttering sounds, and the ones that are best for that as with every piece of gear ever is the old ones that you can’t get anymore. A lot of the sounds that they make have recently become accessible and other things are more readily available. Like a Red Panda Tensor does a lot of the similar stuff. But these ones are just, they sound really awesome. The features are great. The way they work is really great and I’m completely addicted to them. I have like four of them. They’re, they’re like my favorite pedal in the world.“
Check out the Hexe Guitar Electronics – Revolver Micro Sampler
2. Boss – PS-5 Super Shifter

“This does some pretty wild stuff. There’s a Trem Arm mode that does like faking dive bombs or in the opposite direction, dive up. They also do this fake tremolo flutter sound. So I do a lot of really cartoony goofy sounds live in my band and because I play baritone guitars and it’s hard to have ones that have tremolos and then you’re dealing with tuning stability issues. So I just fake everything with boss PS-5 and well, it’s hilarious and it’s so much fun. Yeah, those are great.”
Check out the Boss – PS-5 Super Shifter
3. Strymon – Gibson – Echoplex Digital Pro

“I don’t know if this counts but it has a floor pedal controller, it’s the best Looper ever made. They haven’t made them for years and years, but nothing like this made now comes even close to what it’s able to do and it was designed in the nineties.”
Check out the Gibson – Echoplex Digital Pro
4. Red Panda – Particle 2

“This pedal is just kind of like a catch-all for like weird, granular delay stuff. The way that they’ve made that pedal work is I feel like the best of all of the companies that are trying to do that stuff right now, they have really top-notch DSP platforms. The fidelity’s incredible the way their controls work when you turn them, it’s just really satisfying. And, um, it’s not that it’s predictable, but it’s like the controls like have a really good taper. And a lot of times weird pedals just don’t have things only work at the extremes. It has everything in a full range of really musical stuff. Just in this one little box that does just a handful of really cool and really weird things.”
Check out the Red Panda – Particle 2
Huge thanks to Dave for being a guest on our show and please check out Baltimore Sonic Research Institute. We wish him continued success!