The Guitar KnobsPodcast

The Knobs interview Red Rocket Guitars founder and luthier Matt Nowicki who hand crafts some truly outstanding custom made guitars out of North Carolina.


The Guitar KnobsPodcast

The Knobs discuss the experiences of attending guitar shows and the importance of attending the local shows. TOP 4: What we would have bought at the last show with a …

gibson melody maker

025 Melody Maker Mayhem

The Guitar KnobsPodcast

The Knobs discuss the craziness behind the body styles of the various versions of the Gibson Melody Maker, and a whole bunch of other randomness. TOP 4: Finger slide type …

018 Guitar goals, wants and needs


The Knobs discuss goals and acquisitions we hope to make over the next few months. TOP 4: Choice one of four very well know, but very polarizing bass guitars…. if …

016 Pawn Shop Prowl


The Knobs discuss our finds from a recent pawn shop hunt. TOP 4: Who would you want a single lesson from in all of guitar history? Hosted by Todd Novak …

015 Best Deal Ever!


The Knobs discuss the best deal we ever got on our favorite gear–perfect for all you craigslist junkies like Todd TOP 4: greatest underrated guitarists Hosted by Todd Novak with …

014 Protecting your hearing


The Knobs discuss the importance of hearing protection and ways to achieve it in the studio and in live situations. TOP 4: Combo or Head/Cab Hosted by Todd Novak with …

013 Boutique Guitar Builders 1


The Knobs, in one of many discussions on this topic, focus on a few boutique guitar builders. TOP 4: Straps of choice Hosted by Todd Novak with Jeff Fischer and …

012 Reliced vs. Roadworn


The Knobs discuss the differences between reliced and roadworn guitars. Plus a Todd brings a bass for show and tell. TOP 4: Favorite amp based on tone Hosted by Todd …

008 Guest: Brian Adams (Not THE)


The Knobs welcome guest Knob local musician Brian Adams (not THE Brian Adams) to discuss his extensive use of digitally based gear. TOP 4: Favorite influential guitar tone. Hosted by …

007 Dream Builds On Warmoth


The Knobs welcome back guest Knob Chris Graham and discuss the fantasy builds we made on the Warmoth website. TOP 4: Favorite pick, (or plectrum if you are a Guitar …

006 Gone But Not Forgotten


The Knobs share what we have sold or traded that we regret or miss. TOP 4: Favorite guitar finish & dressing Hosted by Todd Novak with Aaron Cook and Jeff …

005 Our Current Favorite Gear #1


The Knobs discuss our current favorite gear we are playing. TOP 4: Most desired bass guitar Hosted by Todd Novak with Aaron Cook, Jeff Fischer and Jay Donovan.